To honor the commitment and efforts of Dallas Farmers Market Friends Founder, Ida Papert, the Dallas Farmers Market Friends will host the Annual Mama Ida Ice Cream Social at the Pearl Plaza, across from The Market. Working with local donations of fresh ingredients like fruit, nuts, and mint, DFW culinary students and the Dallas County Youth Village will create and serve a variety of ice creams and sorbets to be judged by the public for prize winnings.
To honor the commitment and efforts of Dallas Farmers Market Friends Founder, Ida Papert, the Dallas Farmers Market Friends will host the Annual Mama Ida Ice Cream Social at the Pearl Plaza, across from The Market. Working with local donations of fresh ingredients like fruit, nuts, and mint, DFW culinary students and the Dallas County Youth Village will create and serve a variety of ice creams and sorbets to be judged by the public for prize winnings.
To honor the commitment and efforts of Dallas Farmers Market Friends Founder, Ida Papert, the Dallas Farmers Market Friends will host the Annual Mama Ida Ice Cream Social at the Pearl Plaza, across from The Market. Working with local donations of fresh ingredients like fruit, nuts, and mint, DFW culinary students and the Dallas County Youth Village will create and serve a variety of ice creams and sorbets to be judged by the public for prize winnings.