Trapped underground after a deadly collapse, a miner finds his salvation in the arrival of a young and inexperienced first responder. While they wait for additional rescue assistance, they discover they have more in common than they realize. Uplifting and redemptive, Northside Hollow explores the deepest questions of life and is an intimate portrait of mortality and memory.
Tickets are available at the door, or over the phone at 972-860-8381. For groups of 8 or more, please contact Dusty Reasons-Thomas at 972-860-7653 or
Trapped underground after a deadly collapse, a miner finds his salvation in the arrival of a young and inexperienced first responder. While they wait for additional rescue assistance, they discover they have more in common than they realize. Uplifting and redemptive, Northside Hollow explores the deepest questions of life and is an intimate portrait of mortality and memory.
Tickets are available at the door, or over the phone at 972-860-8381. For groups of 8 or more, please contact Dusty Reasons-Thomas at 972-860-7653 or
Trapped underground after a deadly collapse, a miner finds his salvation in the arrival of a young and inexperienced first responder. While they wait for additional rescue assistance, they discover they have more in common than they realize. Uplifting and redemptive, Northside Hollow explores the deepest questions of life and is an intimate portrait of mortality and memory.
Tickets are available at the door, or over the phone at 972-860-8381. For groups of 8 or more, please contact Dusty Reasons-Thomas at 972-860-7653 or