Max Darwin, The Amazing Max, combines magic and comedy, making objects appear and disappear and generally defying the laws of physics inches from theatergoer’s faces. This interactive and all-around silly show is appropriate for audiences of all ages. Max Darwin has a unique connection to Dallas as the grandson of the colorful former city councilman and mayoral candidate, Max Goldblatt.
Max Darwin, The Amazing Max, combines magic and comedy, making objects appear and disappear and generally defying the laws of physics inches from theatergoer’s faces. This interactive and all-around silly show is appropriate for audiences of all ages. Max Darwin has a unique connection to Dallas as the grandson of the colorful former city councilman and mayoral candidate, Max Goldblatt.
Max Darwin, The Amazing Max, combines magic and comedy, making objects appear and disappear and generally defying the laws of physics inches from theatergoer’s faces. This interactive and all-around silly show is appropriate for audiences of all ages. Max Darwin has a unique connection to Dallas as the grandson of the colorful former city councilman and mayoral candidate, Max Goldblatt.