Piaf! The Show features Anne Carrere, a young French performer hailed as “Edith Piaf’s legitimate musical heiress.” Premiering in 2015 as a tribute to “The Swallow of Montmartre” on the centennial of her birthday, the show narrates the rags-to-riches story of Piaf’s remarkable career through her unforgettable songs and features a visual tapestry of previously unreleased images from famous Parisian scenes with English translations of her storytelling lyrics.
Piaf! The Show features Anne Carrere, a young French performer hailed as “Edith Piaf’s legitimate musical heiress.” Premiering in 2015 as a tribute to “The Swallow of Montmartre” on the centennial of her birthday, the show narrates the rags-to-riches story of Piaf’s remarkable career through her unforgettable songs and features a visual tapestry of previously unreleased images from famous Parisian scenes with English translations of her storytelling lyrics.
Piaf! The Show features Anne Carrere, a young French performer hailed as “Edith Piaf’s legitimate musical heiress.” Premiering in 2015 as a tribute to “The Swallow of Montmartre” on the centennial of her birthday, the show narrates the rags-to-riches story of Piaf’s remarkable career through her unforgettable songs and features a visual tapestry of previously unreleased images from famous Parisian scenes with English translations of her storytelling lyrics.