Randy Noojin returns with Seeger, a critically-acclaimed, multimedia solo show about America’s beloved folksinger/activist, Pete Seeger, at a benefit in Washington, D.C. advocating free speech in Cuba, where he uses his signature songs, including, “If I Had a Hammer,” “Turn, Turn, Turn,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” “Bring ‘Em Home,” “We Shall Overcome,” and “Guantanamera,” to tell the story of his personal struggles for free speech in America.
Randy Noojin returns with Seeger, a critically-acclaimed, multimedia solo show about America’s beloved folksinger/activist, Pete Seeger, at a benefit in Washington, D.C. advocating free speech in Cuba, where he uses his signature songs, including, “If I Had a Hammer,” “Turn, Turn, Turn,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” “Bring ‘Em Home,” “We Shall Overcome,” and “Guantanamera,” to tell the story of his personal struggles for free speech in America.
Randy Noojin returns with Seeger, a critically-acclaimed, multimedia solo show about America’s beloved folksinger/activist, Pete Seeger, at a benefit in Washington, D.C. advocating free speech in Cuba, where he uses his signature songs, including, “If I Had a Hammer,” “Turn, Turn, Turn,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” “Bring ‘Em Home,” “We Shall Overcome,” and “Guantanamera,” to tell the story of his personal struggles for free speech in America.