The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits and returning to the Eisemann Center for a second appearance.
The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits and returning to the Eisemann Center for a second appearance.
The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits and returning to the Eisemann Center for a second appearance.