Tudor Games, makers of the world's favorite football game, Electric Football®, and the Miniature Football Coaches Association (MFCA) enthusiast group will host the Electric Football World Championships and Convention. Both kids and adults will go head-to-head in four divisional tournaments and skills events, as they compete for trophies and the World Championship “Tournament of Champions” crown at the culminating event on Sunday.
Tudor Games, makers of the world's favorite football game, Electric Football®, and the Miniature Football Coaches Association (MFCA) enthusiast group will host the Electric Football World Championships and Convention. Both kids and adults will go head-to-head in four divisional tournaments and skills events, as they compete for trophies and the World Championship “Tournament of Champions” crown at the culminating event on Sunday.
Tudor Games, makers of the world's favorite football game, Electric Football®, and the Miniature Football Coaches Association (MFCA) enthusiast group will host the Electric Football World Championships and Convention. Both kids and adults will go head-to-head in four divisional tournaments and skills events, as they compete for trophies and the World Championship “Tournament of Champions” crown at the culminating event on Sunday.