Equest Ridefest 2015, “Festival of Hope,” hosted by Co-Chairs Bill and Margaret Wolf, is a family-friendly day filled with carnival games, trail rides, a petting zoo, seasonal food, and activities for all ages.
The event benefits Equest, a non-profit that provides Therapeutic Horsemanship activities and therapies to children and adults with physical, cognitive, sensory, coping and learning disabilities.
Equest Ridefest 2015, “Festival of Hope,” hosted by Co-Chairs Bill and Margaret Wolf, is a family-friendly day filled with carnival games, trail rides, a petting zoo, seasonal food, and activities for all ages.
The event benefits Equest, a non-profit that provides Therapeutic Horsemanship activities and therapies to children and adults with physical, cognitive, sensory, coping and learning disabilities.
Equest Ridefest 2015, “Festival of Hope,” hosted by Co-Chairs Bill and Margaret Wolf, is a family-friendly day filled with carnival games, trail rides, a petting zoo, seasonal food, and activities for all ages.
The event benefits Equest, a non-profit that provides Therapeutic Horsemanship activities and therapies to children and adults with physical, cognitive, sensory, coping and learning disabilities.