“The Italian Hurricane” comedian Vic DiBitetto will perform live for one night only at the House of Blues. DiBitetto has created viral video character like Uncle Vic’s Garage, Tony Gaga, That Guy, Frankie Pentangelli, Scarface, Rocky, Fool by the Pool, and Ticked Off Vic. He is now a regular cast member on Gravesend on Amazon Prime Video, and he released his album, Working Class Zero, in 2020.
“The Italian Hurricane” comedian Vic DiBitetto will perform live for one night only at the House of Blues. DiBitetto has created viral video character like Uncle Vic’s Garage, Tony Gaga, That Guy, Frankie Pentangelli, Scarface, Rocky, Fool by the Pool, and Ticked Off Vic. He is now a regular cast member on Gravesend on Amazon Prime Video, and he released his album, Working Class Zero, in 2020.
“The Italian Hurricane” comedian Vic DiBitetto will perform live for one night only at the House of Blues. DiBitetto has created viral video character like Uncle Vic’s Garage, Tony Gaga, That Guy, Frankie Pentangelli, Scarface, Rocky, Fool by the Pool, and Ticked Off Vic. He is now a regular cast member on Gravesend on Amazon Prime Video, and he released his album, Working Class Zero, in 2020.