The Bancroft Family Series season opens with a quintet led by DSO Associate Concertmaster Eunice Keem, performing the seldom-heard Piano Quintet in E Major, Op. 2 by George Szell, best known as the Cleveland Orchestra music director (1946-70). The program also includes Richard Strauss’ String Sextet from Capriccio, Op. 85, and Piazzolla’s Grand Tango for violin and piano.
The performers joining Ms. Keem are Aleksandr Snytkin, violin, DSO; Christine Hwang, viola, DSO; Sarah Kienle, viola, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra; Joseph Kuipers, cello; and Jonathan Tsay, piano.
The Bancroft Family Series season opens with a quintet led by DSO Associate Concertmaster Eunice Keem, performing the seldom-heard Piano Quintet in E Major, Op. 2 by George Szell, best known as the Cleveland Orchestra music director (1946-70). The program also includes Richard Strauss’ String Sextet from Capriccio, Op. 85, and Piazzolla’s Grand Tango for violin and piano.
The performers joining Ms. Keem are Aleksandr Snytkin, violin, DSO; Christine Hwang, viola, DSO; Sarah Kienle, viola, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra; Joseph Kuipers, cello; and Jonathan Tsay, piano.
The Bancroft Family Series season opens with a quintet led by DSO Associate Concertmaster Eunice Keem, performing the seldom-heard Piano Quintet in E Major, Op. 2 by George Szell, best known as the Cleveland Orchestra music director (1946-70). The program also includes Richard Strauss’ String Sextet from Capriccio, Op. 85, and Piazzolla’s Grand Tango for violin and piano.
The performers joining Ms. Keem are Aleksandr Snytkin, violin, DSO; Christine Hwang, viola, DSO; Sarah Kienle, viola, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra; Joseph Kuipers, cello; and Jonathan Tsay, piano.