In a production that explores segregated St, Louis, Missouri and the vibrant lives of former Southerners navigating a new reality, The Firehouse Theatre portrays one of the most famous “memory plays” of the modern theatre.
Tom works in a shoe warehouse to support his family since his father left the family without any apparent reason. He hates his job and seeks to run away from the responsibility through alcohol, cigarettes, and going to movies. At his mother’s urging, Tom brings his friend Jim, to dinner as a potential suitor for his shy sister, Laura.
She shows him her glass menagerie collection containing her favorite unicorn, but while dancing with her, Jim happens to knock over the unicorn and breaks off the horn, making it a normal horse. After Jim confesses that he has a fiancée, a seriously hurt Laura offers him the broken unicorn as a souvenir.
The Glass Menageries is a tale of broken of dreams and altered realities.
In a production that explores segregated St, Louis, Missouri and the vibrant lives of former Southerners navigating a new reality, The Firehouse Theatre portrays one of the most famous “memory plays” of the modern theatre.
Tom works in a shoe warehouse to support his family since his father left the family without any apparent reason. He hates his job and seeks to run away from the responsibility through alcohol, cigarettes, and going to movies. At his mother’s urging, Tom brings his friend Jim, to dinner as a potential suitor for his shy sister, Laura.
She shows him her glass menagerie collection containing her favorite unicorn, but while dancing with her, Jim happens to knock over the unicorn and breaks off the horn, making it a normal horse. After Jim confesses that he has a fiancée, a seriously hurt Laura offers him the broken unicorn as a souvenir.
The Glass Menageries is a tale of broken of dreams and altered realities.
In a production that explores segregated St, Louis, Missouri and the vibrant lives of former Southerners navigating a new reality, The Firehouse Theatre portrays one of the most famous “memory plays” of the modern theatre.
Tom works in a shoe warehouse to support his family since his father left the family without any apparent reason. He hates his job and seeks to run away from the responsibility through alcohol, cigarettes, and going to movies. At his mother’s urging, Tom brings his friend Jim, to dinner as a potential suitor for his shy sister, Laura.
She shows him her glass menagerie collection containing her favorite unicorn, but while dancing with her, Jim happens to knock over the unicorn and breaks off the horn, making it a normal horse. After Jim confesses that he has a fiancée, a seriously hurt Laura offers him the broken unicorn as a souvenir.
The Glass Menageries is a tale of broken of dreams and altered realities.