Galleri Urbane Dallas presents "Nature Is What We See"

Image courtesy of Galleri Urbane

Galleri Urbane will present their 10th annual group show, "Nature Is What We See," exhibiting work by gallery artists Drea Cofield and Heath West, as well as new artists Makenzie Heinemann, Lina Tharsing, and Bradley Biancardi.

The exhibition is composed of artists examining landscape through their individual interpretations; from plein-air compositions to explorations in the abstractions available in landscape, both realistic and geometric.

Cofield returns with her plein-air compositions, derived from the desire inherent in the natural movement of the world. West explores the phenomena in the Mojave Desert between sunrise and stargaze, combining stacks of color colliding against each other in vertical stacks. Heinemann utilizes a pouring technique for her paintings, each done on the floor of her studio. Water cascades to her canvases, spreading the saturated pigments through a process of wetting, drying, and repetition.

Tharsing also joins the exhibition with a series of "Window Paintings," each done through a plein-air practice. The refracted soft focused colors of the exteriors blur shape and form in a swirling mix of hue, texture, and tonality. Biancardi explores the varying values of hue as the sun transitions through its path in the sky. His scenes are split from sea and sky, with atmospheric light shimmering between layers of rising waves.

Galleri Urbane will present their 10th annual group show, "Nature Is What We See," exhibiting work by gallery artists Drea Cofield and Heath West, as well as new artists Makenzie Heinemann, Lina Tharsing, and Bradley Biancardi.

The exhibition is composed of artists examining landscape through their individual interpretations; from plein-air compositions to explorations in the abstractions available in landscape, both realistic and geometric.

Cofield returns with her plein-air compositions, derived from the desire inherent in the natural movement of the world. West explores the phenomena in the Mojave Desert between sunrise and stargaze, combining stacks of color colliding against each other in vertical stacks. Heinemann utilizes a pouring technique for her paintings, each done on the floor of her studio. Water cascades to her canvases, spreading the saturated pigments through a process of wetting, drying, and repetition.

Tharsing also joins the exhibition with a series of "Window Paintings," each done through a plein-air practice. The refracted soft focused colors of the exteriors blur shape and form in a swirling mix of hue, texture, and tonality. Biancardi explores the varying values of hue as the sun transitions through its path in the sky. His scenes are split from sea and sky, with atmospheric light shimmering between layers of rising waves.



Galleri Urbane Dallas
2277 Monitor St, Dallas, TX 75207, USA


Admission is free.

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