Garland Civic Theatre presents Uh-Oh, Here Comes Christmas, a charming show that takes a funny and heartwarming look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays. The show features holiday stories and vignettes from the international best-selling author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten’s Robert Fulghum. Audiences will experience Christmas pageants that go wrong, hilarious and touching holiday weddings, and the joy and curse of poinsettia stories as they are creatively crafted into an engaging (and hilarious) evening of storytelling and song.
One hour before show time, audiences can enjoy a visit with Santa, with free photos and candy canes available. Holiday snacks and wine are available for donation prior to the show at the concession stand.
GCT is also sponsoring a food drive, with non-perishable food item donations accepted before and during the performances. All donations will benefit the Good Samaritans of Garland, which feeds over 1,100 local families a month, using everything they receive.
Garland Civic Theatre presents Uh-Oh, Here Comes Christmas, a charming show that takes a funny and heartwarming look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays. The show features holiday stories and vignettes from the international best-selling author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten’s Robert Fulghum. Audiences will experience Christmas pageants that go wrong, hilarious and touching holiday weddings, and the joy and curse of poinsettia stories as they are creatively crafted into an engaging (and hilarious) evening of storytelling and song.
One hour before show time, audiences can enjoy a visit with Santa, with free photos and candy canes available. Holiday snacks and wine are available for donation prior to the show at the concession stand.
GCT is also sponsoring a food drive, with non-perishable food item donations accepted before and during the performances. All donations will benefit the Good Samaritans of Garland, which feeds over 1,100 local families a month, using everything they receive.
Garland Civic Theatre presents Uh-Oh, Here Comes Christmas, a charming show that takes a funny and heartwarming look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays. The show features holiday stories and vignettes from the international best-selling author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten’s Robert Fulghum. Audiences will experience Christmas pageants that go wrong, hilarious and touching holiday weddings, and the joy and curse of poinsettia stories as they are creatively crafted into an engaging (and hilarious) evening of storytelling and song.
One hour before show time, audiences can enjoy a visit with Santa, with free photos and candy canes available. Holiday snacks and wine are available for donation prior to the show at the concession stand.
GCT is also sponsoring a food drive, with non-perishable food item donations accepted before and during the performances. All donations will benefit the Good Samaritans of Garland, which feeds over 1,100 local families a month, using everything they receive.