Grand Funk Railroad, known as "The American Band," is a high-energy five-piece group that laid the groundwork for such bands as Foreigner, Journey, Van Halen and Bon Jovi with its signature hard driving sound, soulful vocals, muscular instrumentation, and forceful pop melodies. The fact that the band’s legacy still reigns over the Classic Rock landscape 50 years after its 1969 birth in Flint, Michigan is a testament to the group’s influence and staying power.
Grand Funk Railroad, known as "The American Band," is a high-energy five-piece group that laid the groundwork for such bands as Foreigner, Journey, Van Halen and Bon Jovi with its signature hard driving sound, soulful vocals, muscular instrumentation, and forceful pop melodies. The fact that the band’s legacy still reigns over the Classic Rock landscape 50 years after its 1969 birth in Flint, Michigan is a testament to the group’s influence and staying power.
Grand Funk Railroad, known as "The American Band," is a high-energy five-piece group that laid the groundwork for such bands as Foreigner, Journey, Van Halen and Bon Jovi with its signature hard driving sound, soulful vocals, muscular instrumentation, and forceful pop melodies. The fact that the band’s legacy still reigns over the Classic Rock landscape 50 years after its 1969 birth in Flint, Michigan is a testament to the group’s influence and staying power.