Disney Junior's animated family comedy Fancy Nancy centers on Nancy, a high-spirited 6-year-old whose zest and enthusiasm for all that is exquisite – including language, nature, art and color – transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Excited to experience what the magnificent world has to offer, Nancy uses her ingenuity and resourcefulness to exemplify that even if life doesn’t always go as planned, it’s important to make the most of each day and encourage others to do the same.
Grapevine Mills will host a fun-filled day of music, make-and-take crafts, healthy snacks, and a “selfie station” to capture family fun with Fancy Nancy.
Disney Junior's animated family comedy Fancy Nancy centers on Nancy, a high-spirited 6-year-old whose zest and enthusiasm for all that is exquisite – including language, nature, art and color – transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Excited to experience what the magnificent world has to offer, Nancy uses her ingenuity and resourcefulness to exemplify that even if life doesn’t always go as planned, it’s important to make the most of each day and encourage others to do the same.
Grapevine Mills will host a fun-filled day of music, make-and-take crafts, healthy snacks, and a “selfie station” to capture family fun with Fancy Nancy.
Disney Junior's animated family comedy Fancy Nancy centers on Nancy, a high-spirited 6-year-old whose zest and enthusiasm for all that is exquisite – including language, nature, art and color – transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Excited to experience what the magnificent world has to offer, Nancy uses her ingenuity and resourcefulness to exemplify that even if life doesn’t always go as planned, it’s important to make the most of each day and encourage others to do the same.
Grapevine Mills will host a fun-filled day of music, make-and-take crafts, healthy snacks, and a “selfie station” to capture family fun with Fancy Nancy.