Hot L Baltimore focuses on a day in the life of residents of a once-swanky, now seedy hotel destined for demolition, who have all received eviction notices and face uncertain futures. This award-winning play by Pulitzer Prize winner Lanford Wilson gets its title from the condemned property’s neon marquee with a burned-out letter “e” that was never replaced. Wilson is considered one of the most distinguished playwrights of the late 20th century.
Hot L Baltimore focuses on a day in the life of residents of a once-swanky, now seedy hotel destined for demolition, who have all received eviction notices and face uncertain futures. This award-winning play by Pulitzer Prize winner Lanford Wilson gets its title from the condemned property’s neon marquee with a burned-out letter “e” that was never replaced. Wilson is considered one of the most distinguished playwrights of the late 20th century.
Hot L Baltimore focuses on a day in the life of residents of a once-swanky, now seedy hotel destined for demolition, who have all received eviction notices and face uncertain futures. This award-winning play by Pulitzer Prize winner Lanford Wilson gets its title from the condemned property’s neon marquee with a burned-out letter “e” that was never replaced. Wilson is considered one of the most distinguished playwrights of the late 20th century.