Created, designed, and directed by Angie Stephens of Set Witchery, The Haunted Armory is a unique haunt that draws its cast from drama and speech students from Wylie High School and Wylie East High School. This year’s show is titled “Flashback,” where time runs amok and guests must escape horrors from throughout the ages. The cast of nearly 20 students and alumni will terrify those brave enough to enter the armory.
The haunt will also feature on-site entertainment, live music, and merchandise sales. This year will also see the addition of vendors and food trucks for a full evening of entertainment.
Created, designed, and directed by Angie Stephens of Set Witchery, The Haunted Armory is a unique haunt that draws its cast from drama and speech students from Wylie High School and Wylie East High School. This year’s show is titled “Flashback,” where time runs amok and guests must escape horrors from throughout the ages. The cast of nearly 20 students and alumni will terrify those brave enough to enter the armory.
The haunt will also feature on-site entertainment, live music, and merchandise sales. This year will also see the addition of vendors and food trucks for a full evening of entertainment.
Created, designed, and directed by Angie Stephens of Set Witchery, The Haunted Armory is a unique haunt that draws its cast from drama and speech students from Wylie High School and Wylie East High School. This year’s show is titled “Flashback,” where time runs amok and guests must escape horrors from throughout the ages. The cast of nearly 20 students and alumni will terrify those brave enough to enter the armory.
The haunt will also feature on-site entertainment, live music, and merchandise sales. This year will also see the addition of vendors and food trucks for a full evening of entertainment.