The Invincible Czars, an eclectic music ensemble known for their bold, evocative and mesmerizing live performances, will bring their unique fusion of music and cinema to Dallas, performing the live musical score for two the silent horror movie classics, 1922's Nosferatu.
The Invincible Czars apply a cinematic sensibility to their intricately crafted scores. They use a mix of acoustic and electric instruments, sound effects, and vocals to add a distinct and tastefully modern touch to their performances, giving contemporary audiences a clear context in which to appreciate silent cinema. Film buffs, music fans, movie theaters and media have praised the Invincible Czars for making these near century-old movies “actually scary” for contemporary audiences.
The Invincible Czars, an eclectic music ensemble known for their bold, evocative and mesmerizing live performances, will bring their unique fusion of music and cinema to Dallas, performing the live musical score for two the silent horror movie classics, 1922's Nosferatu.
The Invincible Czars apply a cinematic sensibility to their intricately crafted scores. They use a mix of acoustic and electric instruments, sound effects, and vocals to add a distinct and tastefully modern touch to their performances, giving contemporary audiences a clear context in which to appreciate silent cinema. Film buffs, music fans, movie theaters and media have praised the Invincible Czars for making these near century-old movies “actually scary” for contemporary audiences.
The Invincible Czars, an eclectic music ensemble known for their bold, evocative and mesmerizing live performances, will bring their unique fusion of music and cinema to Dallas, performing the live musical score for two the silent horror movie classics, 1922's Nosferatu.
The Invincible Czars apply a cinematic sensibility to their intricately crafted scores. They use a mix of acoustic and electric instruments, sound effects, and vocals to add a distinct and tastefully modern touch to their performances, giving contemporary audiences a clear context in which to appreciate silent cinema. Film buffs, music fans, movie theaters and media have praised the Invincible Czars for making these near century-old movies “actually scary” for contemporary audiences.