In the middle of the desert, a town comes to life. The saloon doors swing open to reveal a motley cast of individuals, each with a tale to tell. In Cirque Éloize’s Saloon, the infectious energy of folk music and strains of fiddle set the tone for an acrobatic comedy that sweeps spectators away in a mad flurry. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a path-breaking and original manner.
In the middle of the desert, a town comes to life. The saloon doors swing open to reveal a motley cast of individuals, each with a tale to tell. In Cirque Éloize’s Saloon, the infectious energy of folk music and strains of fiddle set the tone for an acrobatic comedy that sweeps spectators away in a mad flurry. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a path-breaking and original manner.
In the middle of the desert, a town comes to life. The saloon doors swing open to reveal a motley cast of individuals, each with a tale to tell. In Cirque Éloize’s Saloon, the infectious energy of folk music and strains of fiddle set the tone for an acrobatic comedy that sweeps spectators away in a mad flurry. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a path-breaking and original manner.