Junior Players presents Metamorphosis, the third installation of a five-year dance production series. The performance will provide a glimpse of what challenges exist within our teen communities and family ecosystems. Thirteen of North Texas’ most talented teen dancers and movers will come together to discuss some of the most challenging issues facing themselves, their peers, and their community, and how the arts have given them an outlet to deal with those challenges. The choreographers will then partner with the students to pair both their light-hearted and life-altering struggles to music, stage combat, and choreography to create an hour-long dance performance. The issues are real, the teens are real and the experience is life changing.
Junior Players presents Metamorphosis, the third installation of a five-year dance production series. The performance will provide a glimpse of what challenges exist within our teen communities and family ecosystems. Thirteen of North Texas’ most talented teen dancers and movers will come together to discuss some of the most challenging issues facing themselves, their peers, and their community, and how the arts have given them an outlet to deal with those challenges. The choreographers will then partner with the students to pair both their light-hearted and life-altering struggles to music, stage combat, and choreography to create an hour-long dance performance. The issues are real, the teens are real and the experience is life changing.
Junior Players presents Metamorphosis, the third installation of a five-year dance production series. The performance will provide a glimpse of what challenges exist within our teen communities and family ecosystems. Thirteen of North Texas’ most talented teen dancers and movers will come together to discuss some of the most challenging issues facing themselves, their peers, and their community, and how the arts have given them an outlet to deal with those challenges. The choreographers will then partner with the students to pair both their light-hearted and life-altering struggles to music, stage combat, and choreography to create an hour-long dance performance. The issues are real, the teens are real and the experience is life changing.