Powerful, intriguing and timeless, Othello is one of Shakespeare’s most disturbing and schematic stories. This story centers around the devastating dominance of suspicion and character and revolves around four central characters: Othello, a general in the military world; his beloved wife, Desdemona; his loyal lieutenant, Cassio; and his trusted but ultimately unfaithful ensign, Iago.
Othello is honorable and beloved for his talents, but is subjected to prejudice, jealousy and betrayal. Not to worry as he has the love of the Desdemona who loves and protects him unconditionally. Iago, Othello’s loyal friend, gets passed over for promotion and an excruciating jealousy overcomes him and he conspires to undermine Othello’s love for Desdmona.
Shakespeare formulates the perfect malicious puzzle that reveals how prejudice, jealousy, and manipulation can break the human bond and destroy the purest of loves.
Powerful, intriguing and timeless, Othello is one of Shakespeare’s most disturbing and schematic stories. This story centers around the devastating dominance of suspicion and character and revolves around four central characters: Othello, a general in the military world; his beloved wife, Desdemona; his loyal lieutenant, Cassio; and his trusted but ultimately unfaithful ensign, Iago.
Othello is honorable and beloved for his talents, but is subjected to prejudice, jealousy and betrayal. Not to worry as he has the love of the Desdemona who loves and protects him unconditionally. Iago, Othello’s loyal friend, gets passed over for promotion and an excruciating jealousy overcomes him and he conspires to undermine Othello’s love for Desdmona.
Shakespeare formulates the perfect malicious puzzle that reveals how prejudice, jealousy, and manipulation can break the human bond and destroy the purest of loves.
Powerful, intriguing and timeless, Othello is one of Shakespeare’s most disturbing and schematic stories. This story centers around the devastating dominance of suspicion and character and revolves around four central characters: Othello, a general in the military world; his beloved wife, Desdemona; his loyal lieutenant, Cassio; and his trusted but ultimately unfaithful ensign, Iago.
Othello is honorable and beloved for his talents, but is subjected to prejudice, jealousy and betrayal. Not to worry as he has the love of the Desdemona who loves and protects him unconditionally. Iago, Othello’s loyal friend, gets passed over for promotion and an excruciating jealousy overcomes him and he conspires to undermine Othello’s love for Desdmona.
Shakespeare formulates the perfect malicious puzzle that reveals how prejudice, jealousy, and manipulation can break the human bond and destroy the purest of loves.