The Laugh Supper will be hosting a one-night comedy show and party in celebration of its 2-Year Anniversary. Through a series of lively, improvised scenes, the troupe will lead the audience through a set heavy on energy, laughter, audience suggestions and participation.
In addition to the improv comedy set, the evening will feature light hors d'oeuvres, a DJ and dancing to follow the show. Each attendee will also receive a “swag bag” which includes a drink ticket and limited-edition Laugh Supper goodies.
The Laugh Supper will be hosting a one-night comedy show and party in celebration of its 2-Year Anniversary. Through a series of lively, improvised scenes, the troupe will lead the audience through a set heavy on energy, laughter, audience suggestions and participation.
In addition to the improv comedy set, the evening will feature light hors d'oeuvres, a DJ and dancing to follow the show. Each attendee will also receive a “swag bag” which includes a drink ticket and limited-edition Laugh Supper goodies.
The Laugh Supper will be hosting a one-night comedy show and party in celebration of its 2-Year Anniversary. Through a series of lively, improvised scenes, the troupe will lead the audience through a set heavy on energy, laughter, audience suggestions and participation.
In addition to the improv comedy set, the evening will feature light hors d'oeuvres, a DJ and dancing to follow the show. Each attendee will also receive a “swag bag” which includes a drink ticket and limited-edition Laugh Supper goodies.