Laura Rathe Fine Art presents Curvilinear, featuring new works by acclaimed artist duo, Stallman, and renowned metal sculptor, Matt Devine. Though they work in different media, Stallman and Devine share an interest in transforming their materials into extraordinary works that emphasize curvilinear forms and give the impression of graceful movement. This will be LRFA’s first exhibition featuring works by Stallman.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.
Laura Rathe Fine Art presents Curvilinear, featuring new works by acclaimed artist duo, Stallman, and renowned metal sculptor, Matt Devine. Though they work in different media, Stallman and Devine share an interest in transforming their materials into extraordinary works that emphasize curvilinear forms and give the impression of graceful movement. This will be LRFA’s first exhibition featuring works by Stallman.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.
Laura Rathe Fine Art presents Curvilinear, featuring new works by acclaimed artist duo, Stallman, and renowned metal sculptor, Matt Devine. Though they work in different media, Stallman and Devine share an interest in transforming their materials into extraordinary works that emphasize curvilinear forms and give the impression of graceful movement. This will be LRFA’s first exhibition featuring works by Stallman.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.