Miles Morales is a New York teen struggling with school, friends and, on top of that, being the new Spider-Man. When he comes across Peter Parker, the erstwhile savior of New York, in the multiverse, Miles must train to become the new protector of his city, crossing his path with five counterparts from another dimensions to stop a threat for all realities. The film was named Best Animated Feature at this year’s Academy Awards.
The first 100 guests receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.
Miles Morales is a New York teen struggling with school, friends and, on top of that, being the new Spider-Man. When he comes across Peter Parker, the erstwhile savior of New York, in the multiverse, Miles must train to become the new protector of his city, crossing his path with five counterparts from another dimensions to stop a threat for all realities. The film was named Best Animated Feature at this year’s Academy Awards.
The first 100 guests receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.
Miles Morales is a New York teen struggling with school, friends and, on top of that, being the new Spider-Man. When he comes across Peter Parker, the erstwhile savior of New York, in the multiverse, Miles must train to become the new protector of his city, crossing his path with five counterparts from another dimensions to stop a threat for all realities. The film was named Best Animated Feature at this year’s Academy Awards.
The first 100 guests receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.