Lightwire Theater’s A Very Electric Christmas follows the story of a young bird, named Max and his family, as they begin their journey south for the winter. When Max gets blown off course and ends up at the North Pole, his adventure begins. Dancing toy soldiers, caroling worms and performing poinsettia’s, light up the stage. Audiences of all ages will treasure this magical and captivating tale of family, friendship and hope set to timeless holiday hits, including Nat King Cole, Mariah Carey, and Tchaikovsky.
Lightwire Theater’s A Very Electric Christmas follows the story of a young bird, named Max and his family, as they begin their journey south for the winter. When Max gets blown off course and ends up at the North Pole, his adventure begins. Dancing toy soldiers, caroling worms and performing poinsettia’s, light up the stage. Audiences of all ages will treasure this magical and captivating tale of family, friendship and hope set to timeless holiday hits, including Nat King Cole, Mariah Carey, and Tchaikovsky.
Lightwire Theater’s A Very Electric Christmas follows the story of a young bird, named Max and his family, as they begin their journey south for the winter. When Max gets blown off course and ends up at the North Pole, his adventure begins. Dancing toy soldiers, caroling worms and performing poinsettia’s, light up the stage. Audiences of all ages will treasure this magical and captivating tale of family, friendship and hope set to timeless holiday hits, including Nat King Cole, Mariah Carey, and Tchaikovsky.