Love Jones The Musical, a stage adaptation of the critically acclaimed 1997 Love Jones film, will boast an all-star cast of R&B music’s biggest names including Keith Sweat, MC Lyte, Raheem Devaughn, Dave Hollister, Marsha Ambrosius, Demetria McKinney, Michel’le, and Gary Jenkins.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the popular romantic comedy, the stage play takes the essence of the film and tells its story through music. It fuses chart-topping hits and fan favorite songs from the music artists, along with a few original songs.
Love Jones The Musical, a stage adaptation of the critically acclaimed 1997 Love Jones film, will boast an all-star cast of R&B music’s biggest names including Keith Sweat, MC Lyte, Raheem Devaughn, Dave Hollister, Marsha Ambrosius, Demetria McKinney, Michel’le, and Gary Jenkins.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the popular romantic comedy, the stage play takes the essence of the film and tells its story through music. It fuses chart-topping hits and fan favorite songs from the music artists, along with a few original songs.
Love Jones The Musical, a stage adaptation of the critically acclaimed 1997 Love Jones film, will boast an all-star cast of R&B music’s biggest names including Keith Sweat, MC Lyte, Raheem Devaughn, Dave Hollister, Marsha Ambrosius, Demetria McKinney, Michel’le, and Gary Jenkins.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the popular romantic comedy, the stage play takes the essence of the film and tells its story through music. It fuses chart-topping hits and fan favorite songs from the music artists, along with a few original songs.