Adapted from the 1999 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, Tarzan follows the journey from ‘boy to man’ of an infant who is raised by gorillas in the jungles of West Africa. As Tarzan develops feelings for a young woman who suddenly appears in his jungle, he discovers that his animal upbringing clashes with his human instincts, causing him to struggle with not only his love for Jane but how to protect his family.
The musical features heart-pumping music & lyrics by rock legend Phil Collins performed by a live orchestra. The family-friendly musical features all of the beloved songs from the 1999 movie, including the Academy Award-winning “You’ll Be in My Heart,” plus an additional nine songs written by Collins for the Broadway musical.
Adapted from the 1999 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, Tarzan follows the journey from ‘boy to man’ of an infant who is raised by gorillas in the jungles of West Africa. As Tarzan develops feelings for a young woman who suddenly appears in his jungle, he discovers that his animal upbringing clashes with his human instincts, causing him to struggle with not only his love for Jane but how to protect his family.
The musical features heart-pumping music & lyrics by rock legend Phil Collins performed by a live orchestra. The family-friendly musical features all of the beloved songs from the 1999 movie, including the Academy Award-winning “You’ll Be in My Heart,” plus an additional nine songs written by Collins for the Broadway musical.