World-renowned comic strip illustrator and author Guy Gilchrist, best known as Jim Henson's cartoonist and creator of the Muppets daily comic strip (printed worldwide from 1981 to 1986) and the internationally-distributed comic strip Nancy for 22 years, is coming to Madness Games & Comics in Plano.
On both days, the famed cartoonist will draw for fans, talk about the art of cartooning, and have plenty of original art and limited prints available for purchase from 11 a.m to 4 pm.
Each evening, Madness will host a two-hour Art of Cartooning Workshop, where Gilchrist will teach the basics of cartooning using iconic cartoon characters (Muppet, Sesame Street, Looney Tunes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and others), discuss handling a daily comic strip, and share a few laughs along the way.
World-renowned comic strip illustrator and author Guy Gilchrist, best known as Jim Henson's cartoonist and creator of the Muppets daily comic strip (printed worldwide from 1981 to 1986) and the internationally-distributed comic strip Nancy for 22 years, is coming to Madness Games & Comics in Plano.
On both days, the famed cartoonist will draw for fans, talk about the art of cartooning, and have plenty of original art and limited prints available for purchase from 11 a.m to 4 pm.
Each evening, Madness will host a two-hour Art of Cartooning Workshop, where Gilchrist will teach the basics of cartooning using iconic cartoon characters (Muppet, Sesame Street, Looney Tunes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and others), discuss handling a daily comic strip, and share a few laughs along the way.
World-renowned comic strip illustrator and author Guy Gilchrist, best known as Jim Henson's cartoonist and creator of the Muppets daily comic strip (printed worldwide from 1981 to 1986) and the internationally-distributed comic strip Nancy for 22 years, is coming to Madness Games & Comics in Plano.
On both days, the famed cartoonist will draw for fans, talk about the art of cartooning, and have plenty of original art and limited prints available for purchase from 11 a.m to 4 pm.
Each evening, Madness will host a two-hour Art of Cartooning Workshop, where Gilchrist will teach the basics of cartooning using iconic cartoon characters (Muppet, Sesame Street, Looney Tunes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and others), discuss handling a daily comic strip, and share a few laughs along the way.