Brothers Maksim and Valentin Chmerkovskiy are bringing to life the show they have dreamed about since childhood, combining an honest and unfiltered narrative of their life story, with the world class dancing, creativity and passion they are known for. Collaborating with the greatest choreographers in the business and supported by a cast of fellow dance professionals, the show will surprise and delight with timeless elegance and steamy seduction.
Brothers Maksim and Valentin Chmerkovskiy are bringing to life the show they have dreamed about since childhood, combining an honest and unfiltered narrative of their life story, with the world class dancing, creativity and passion they are known for. Collaborating with the greatest choreographers in the business and supported by a cast of fellow dance professionals, the show will surprise and delight with timeless elegance and steamy seduction.
Brothers Maksim and Valentin Chmerkovskiy are bringing to life the show they have dreamed about since childhood, combining an honest and unfiltered narrative of their life story, with the world class dancing, creativity and passion they are known for. Collaborating with the greatest choreographers in the business and supported by a cast of fellow dance professionals, the show will surprise and delight with timeless elegance and steamy seduction.