In a quiet town in Vermont, five strangers take a creative drama class for adults where they embark on an emotional journey in which they confront their personal demons in as well as the ensuing drama that surrounds them.
Winner of the 2010 Obie Award for Best New American Play, Annie Baker's quiet masterpiece explores the human condition and the subtle yet powerful effect we have on others through our words and indirect actions.
In a quiet town in Vermont, five strangers take a creative drama class for adults where they embark on an emotional journey in which they confront their personal demons in as well as the ensuing drama that surrounds them.
Winner of the 2010 Obie Award for Best New American Play, Annie Baker's quiet masterpiece explores the human condition and the subtle yet powerful effect we have on others through our words and indirect actions.
In a quiet town in Vermont, five strangers take a creative drama class for adults where they embark on an emotional journey in which they confront their personal demons in as well as the ensuing drama that surrounds them.
Winner of the 2010 Obie Award for Best New American Play, Annie Baker's quiet masterpiece explores the human condition and the subtle yet powerful effect we have on others through our words and indirect actions.