Monster Truck Wars, America’s wildest monster truck show, comes to Dallas. The high-energy monster truck show will feature a superstar lineup, a real-life robot battle, a clown show, kid’s power wheel races, and more. Plus, kids can take a ride in a real monster truck.
Monster Truck Wars features giant, 10,000-pound monster trucks, including the world-famous Outlaw, legendary Equalizer, the unforgettable Shark Attack and Sheriff. These superstars will compete in non-stop, head-to-head competition. Their all-new Robot Battle is joining the action this year, where three-story-high transforming robots Galactron and Reptar battle on the arena floor.
Monster Truck Wars, America’s wildest monster truck show, comes to Dallas. The high-energy monster truck show will feature a superstar lineup, a real-life robot battle, a clown show, kid’s power wheel races, and more. Plus, kids can take a ride in a real monster truck.
Monster Truck Wars features giant, 10,000-pound monster trucks, including the world-famous Outlaw, legendary Equalizer, the unforgettable Shark Attack and Sheriff. These superstars will compete in non-stop, head-to-head competition. Their all-new Robot Battle is joining the action this year, where three-story-high transforming robots Galactron and Reptar battle on the arena floor.