The next Mortified show features one of the founding members of The Cure, Laurence "Lol" Tolhurst. Lol will be doing a reading from his book Cured, followed by a short question and answer session and a slightly shortened Mortified show. Look for Lol to jump in with the Mortified Talent Show band on drums. He will also be selling his book and signing autographs after the show.
In Mortified, adults share their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journal, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) with others, in order to reveal stories about their lives.
The next Mortified show features one of the founding members of The Cure, Laurence "Lol" Tolhurst. Lol will be doing a reading from his book Cured, followed by a short question and answer session and a slightly shortened Mortified show. Look for Lol to jump in with the Mortified Talent Show band on drums. He will also be selling his book and signing autographs after the show.
In Mortified, adults share their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journal, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) with others, in order to reveal stories about their lives.
The next Mortified show features one of the founding members of The Cure, Laurence "Lol" Tolhurst. Lol will be doing a reading from his book Cured, followed by a short question and answer session and a slightly shortened Mortified show. Look for Lol to jump in with the Mortified Talent Show band on drums. He will also be selling his book and signing autographs after the show.
In Mortified, adults share their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journal, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) with others, in order to reveal stories about their lives.