Downward Dog Days of Summer, hosted by Bret McKinney and Squirrel the Pomeranian, is a fundraising event supporting FIDO & Recycled Poms. After the class, guests can relax and stretch with a complimentary mimosa and Q&A session with Brad Bevill from Bevill Dog Behavior.
Local vendors like Dear Clark will be at the park decorating dogs' hairdos with feathers. Recycled Poms will be at MUTTS from 10 am-2 pm with adorable pups to adopt. Guests can enter for achance to win a year membership to MUTTS as they raise money for FIDO and Recycled Poms. The raffle basket winner will be announced at 12 pm.
Downward Dog Days of Summer, hosted by Bret McKinney and Squirrel the Pomeranian, is a fundraising event supporting FIDO & Recycled Poms. After the class, guests can relax and stretch with a complimentary mimosa and Q&A session with Brad Bevill from Bevill Dog Behavior.
Local vendors like Dear Clark will be at the park decorating dogs' hairdos with feathers. Recycled Poms will be at MUTTS from 10 am-2 pm with adorable pups to adopt. Guests can enter for achance to win a year membership to MUTTS as they raise money for FIDO and Recycled Poms. The raffle basket winner will be announced at 12 pm.
Downward Dog Days of Summer, hosted by Bret McKinney and Squirrel the Pomeranian, is a fundraising event supporting FIDO & Recycled Poms. After the class, guests can relax and stretch with a complimentary mimosa and Q&A session with Brad Bevill from Bevill Dog Behavior.
Local vendors like Dear Clark will be at the park decorating dogs' hairdos with feathers. Recycled Poms will be at MUTTS from 10 am-2 pm with adorable pups to adopt. Guests can enter for achance to win a year membership to MUTTS as they raise money for FIDO and Recycled Poms. The raffle basket winner will be announced at 12 pm.