The Night of Bethlehem is a 15-minute presentation that narrates the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ through a groundbreaking show featuring spectacular lighting, moving figures, and special effects. During the presentation, the audience of approximately 20-30 guests will stand in front of an artistic rendering and scenic view of a Nativity Scene in the City of Bethlehem. The presentation is available in Spanish and English.
The Night of Bethlehem is a 15-minute presentation that narrates the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ through a groundbreaking show featuring spectacular lighting, moving figures, and special effects. During the presentation, the audience of approximately 20-30 guests will stand in front of an artistic rendering and scenic view of a Nativity Scene in the City of Bethlehem. The presentation is available in Spanish and English.
The Night of Bethlehem is a 15-minute presentation that narrates the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ through a groundbreaking show featuring spectacular lighting, moving figures, and special effects. During the presentation, the audience of approximately 20-30 guests will stand in front of an artistic rendering and scenic view of a Nativity Scene in the City of Bethlehem. The presentation is available in Spanish and English.