Initially organized by the Noguchi Museum in New York, Tom Sachs: "Tea Ceremony" centers on an immersive environment representing Sachs’ distinctive reworking of chanoyu, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, including the myriad elements essential to that intensely ritualistic universe. Sachs has also produced a complete alternative material culture of tea, from bowls and ladles, scroll paintings and vases, to a motorized tea whisk, a shot clock, and an electronic brazier.
During the course of the exhibition, the Nasher will present a series of public demonstrations in which special collaborators trained by the artist will perform tea ceremony for a few guests. The walls of the tea house will be removed for the occasion, enabling visitors to watch the ceremony as it unfolds.
Initially organized by the Noguchi Museum in New York, Tom Sachs: "Tea Ceremony" centers on an immersive environment representing Sachs’ distinctive reworking of chanoyu, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, including the myriad elements essential to that intensely ritualistic universe. Sachs has also produced a complete alternative material culture of tea, from bowls and ladles, scroll paintings and vases, to a motorized tea whisk, a shot clock, and an electronic brazier.
During the course of the exhibition, the Nasher will present a series of public demonstrations in which special collaborators trained by the artist will perform tea ceremony for a few guests. The walls of the tea house will be removed for the occasion, enabling visitors to watch the ceremony as it unfolds.
Initially organized by the Noguchi Museum in New York, Tom Sachs: "Tea Ceremony" centers on an immersive environment representing Sachs’ distinctive reworking of chanoyu, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, including the myriad elements essential to that intensely ritualistic universe. Sachs has also produced a complete alternative material culture of tea, from bowls and ladles, scroll paintings and vases, to a motorized tea whisk, a shot clock, and an electronic brazier.
During the course of the exhibition, the Nasher will present a series of public demonstrations in which special collaborators trained by the artist will perform tea ceremony for a few guests. The walls of the tea house will be removed for the occasion, enabling visitors to watch the ceremony as it unfolds.