Ochre House Theater presents the world premiere of Dreamless, an exciting new musical written and directed by Justin Locklear. Dreamless explores the deceptive nature of ambition through the eyes of a brother and sister who run a humble restaurant.
Dreamless reveals how these two lost souls’ ambition causes their lives to fall apart. Dreamless hosts a web of fantastic characters with bizarre aspirations, seeking clarity through backwards emotional geometry. Original music, dance, and a riveting story round out an evening of exciting theater. Dreamless catches people hiding from themselves, hoping never to be found.
Ochre House Theater presents the world premiere of Dreamless, an exciting new musical written and directed by Justin Locklear. Dreamless explores the deceptive nature of ambition through the eyes of a brother and sister who run a humble restaurant.
Dreamless reveals how these two lost souls’ ambition causes their lives to fall apart. Dreamless hosts a web of fantastic characters with bizarre aspirations, seeking clarity through backwards emotional geometry. Original music, dance, and a riveting story round out an evening of exciting theater. Dreamless catches people hiding from themselves, hoping never to be found.
Ochre House Theater presents the world premiere of Dreamless, an exciting new musical written and directed by Justin Locklear. Dreamless explores the deceptive nature of ambition through the eyes of a brother and sister who run a humble restaurant.
Dreamless reveals how these two lost souls’ ambition causes their lives to fall apart. Dreamless hosts a web of fantastic characters with bizarre aspirations, seeking clarity through backwards emotional geometry. Original music, dance, and a riveting story round out an evening of exciting theater. Dreamless catches people hiding from themselves, hoping never to be found.