The Felling, written and directed by Mitchell Parrack, is set in a desolate territory of the Old West. A tribe convenes to determine the fate of a man guilty of a despicable act. The only world they know begins to disintegrate, severing the ties that bind. The Felling is a tale steeped in ritual superstition and religious disturbance. There is no escaping the burning of the family tree in The Felling.
The Felling, written and directed by Mitchell Parrack, is set in a desolate territory of the Old West. A tribe convenes to determine the fate of a man guilty of a despicable act. The only world they know begins to disintegrate, severing the ties that bind. The Felling is a tale steeped in ritual superstition and religious disturbance. There is no escaping the burning of the family tree in The Felling.
The Felling, written and directed by Mitchell Parrack, is set in a desolate territory of the Old West. A tribe convenes to determine the fate of a man guilty of a despicable act. The only world they know begins to disintegrate, severing the ties that bind. The Felling is a tale steeped in ritual superstition and religious disturbance. There is no escaping the burning of the family tree in The Felling.