This contemporary musical comedy is a modern twist on the characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Set in New York City, it centers around a young, uptight greeting card writer, whose life is changed when he meets a flighty photographer. Along with their eccentric friends and siblings, they learn to love each other not in spite of their faults, but because of them.
Production will take place in Lewisville August 4-7, and in Addison August 11-September 3.
This contemporary musical comedy is a modern twist on the characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Set in New York City, it centers around a young, uptight greeting card writer, whose life is changed when he meets a flighty photographer. Along with their eccentric friends and siblings, they learn to love each other not in spite of their faults, but because of them.
Production will take place in Lewisville August 4-7, and in Addison August 11-September 3.
This contemporary musical comedy is a modern twist on the characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Set in New York City, it centers around a young, uptight greeting card writer, whose life is changed when he meets a flighty photographer. Along with their eccentric friends and siblings, they learn to love each other not in spite of their faults, but because of them.
Production will take place in Lewisville August 4-7, and in Addison August 11-September 3.