A young boy accidentally discovers a secret society of witches, who appear very much like ordinary women, and are holding a conference in an English seaside hotel. When the witches discover that the boy has learned their true identities, they turn him into a mouse. The boy must team up with his spunky grandmother and the crass Bruno Jenkins, a fellow boy-turned-mouse, to take on the Grand High Witch and her coven of witches before they turn the rest of the children of England into mice.
A young boy accidentally discovers a secret society of witches, who appear very much like ordinary women, and are holding a conference in an English seaside hotel. When the witches discover that the boy has learned their true identities, they turn him into a mouse. The boy must team up with his spunky grandmother and the crass Bruno Jenkins, a fellow boy-turned-mouse, to take on the Grand High Witch and her coven of witches before they turn the rest of the children of England into mice.
A young boy accidentally discovers a secret society of witches, who appear very much like ordinary women, and are holding a conference in an English seaside hotel. When the witches discover that the boy has learned their true identities, they turn him into a mouse. The boy must team up with his spunky grandmother and the crass Bruno Jenkins, a fellow boy-turned-mouse, to take on the Grand High Witch and her coven of witches before they turn the rest of the children of England into mice.