Based on groundbreaking research from scientists around the world, "Ultimate Dinosaurs" reveals a new breed of dinosaurs that evolved in isolation in South America, Africa and Madagascar – dinosaurs that are unfamiliar to most North Americans. "Ultimate Dinosaurs" tells the story of the break-up of supercontinent Pangaea into today’s continents and the ways that continental drift affected the evolution of dinosaurs. Through hands-on activities and augmented reality technology, guests will discover that an amazing diversity of species evolved as a result of this phenomenon.
Presented in English and French (with a Spanish audio guide available).
Based on groundbreaking research from scientists around the world, "Ultimate Dinosaurs" reveals a new breed of dinosaurs that evolved in isolation in South America, Africa and Madagascar – dinosaurs that are unfamiliar to most North Americans. "Ultimate Dinosaurs" tells the story of the break-up of supercontinent Pangaea into today’s continents and the ways that continental drift affected the evolution of dinosaurs. Through hands-on activities and augmented reality technology, guests will discover that an amazing diversity of species evolved as a result of this phenomenon.
Presented in English and French (with a Spanish audio guide available).
Based on groundbreaking research from scientists around the world, "Ultimate Dinosaurs" reveals a new breed of dinosaurs that evolved in isolation in South America, Africa and Madagascar – dinosaurs that are unfamiliar to most North Americans. "Ultimate Dinosaurs" tells the story of the break-up of supercontinent Pangaea into today’s continents and the ways that continental drift affected the evolution of dinosaurs. Through hands-on activities and augmented reality technology, guests will discover that an amazing diversity of species evolved as a result of this phenomenon.
Presented in English and French (with a Spanish audio guide available).