The Plano Metropolitan Ballet presents an original fairy tale ballet, The Little Mermaid, in which Ariel explores her world with the colorful characters under the sea. All performances offer an embroidered mermaid patch for every Girl Scout and an autograph session with the dancers after the performance. After each Girl Scout performance, there will be a Q&A session with the dancers.
Girl Scout performances:
- January 5: 3 pm
- January 12: 3 pm and 7 pm
- January 18: 7 pm
The Plano Metropolitan Ballet presents an original fairy tale ballet, The Little Mermaid, in which Ariel explores her world with the colorful characters under the sea. All performances offer an embroidered mermaid patch for every Girl Scout and an autograph session with the dancers after the performance. After each Girl Scout performance, there will be a Q&A session with the dancers.
Girl Scout performances:
- January 5: 3 pm
- January 12: 3 pm and 7 pm
- January 18: 7 pm
The Plano Metropolitan Ballet presents an original fairy tale ballet, The Little Mermaid, in which Ariel explores her world with the colorful characters under the sea. All performances offer an embroidered mermaid patch for every Girl Scout and an autograph session with the dancers after the performance. After each Girl Scout performance, there will be a Q&A session with the dancers.
Girl Scout performances:
- January 5: 3 pm
- January 12: 3 pm and 7 pm
- January 18: 7 pm