Pocket Sandwich Theatre presents, for the 35th consecutive holiday season, Ebenezer Scrooge, a musical based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Written by Joe Dickinson and Laurie Tirmenstein, directed by Stephanie Jackson with musical direction by Byron Holder.
The show is based on the age-old holiday favorite about the miserly Scrooge, who is visited one Christmas Eve by three ghosts intent on helping him change his ways. This tale of love, redemption and forgiveness captures the true spirit and magic of the holiday season for the whole family.
Pocket Sandwich Theatre presents, for the 35th consecutive holiday season, Ebenezer Scrooge, a musical based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Written by Joe Dickinson and Laurie Tirmenstein, directed by Stephanie Jackson with musical direction by Byron Holder.
The show is based on the age-old holiday favorite about the miserly Scrooge, who is visited one Christmas Eve by three ghosts intent on helping him change his ways. This tale of love, redemption and forgiveness captures the true spirit and magic of the holiday season for the whole family.
Pocket Sandwich Theatre presents, for the 35th consecutive holiday season, Ebenezer Scrooge, a musical based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Written by Joe Dickinson and Laurie Tirmenstein, directed by Stephanie Jackson with musical direction by Byron Holder.
The show is based on the age-old holiday favorite about the miserly Scrooge, who is visited one Christmas Eve by three ghosts intent on helping him change his ways. This tale of love, redemption and forgiveness captures the true spirit and magic of the holiday season for the whole family.