Charlie Baker, a painfully shy Englishman, finds himself at a rural Georgia hunting lodge for a few days of peace and quiet. To save Charlie from having to speak to strangers, the locals are told he is a foreigner who can't speak or understand a word of English. Soon those locals begin to share their deepest secrets with him and Charlie must decide what to do with all of this information.
The result is a hilarious look at secrets revealed, which explodes in a wildly funny climax where things go uproariously awry for the "bad guys" including a run-in with the KKK, with the good guys emerging triumphant.
Charlie Baker, a painfully shy Englishman, finds himself at a rural Georgia hunting lodge for a few days of peace and quiet. To save Charlie from having to speak to strangers, the locals are told he is a foreigner who can't speak or understand a word of English. Soon those locals begin to share their deepest secrets with him and Charlie must decide what to do with all of this information.
The result is a hilarious look at secrets revealed, which explodes in a wildly funny climax where things go uproariously awry for the "bad guys" including a run-in with the KKK, with the good guys emerging triumphant.
Charlie Baker, a painfully shy Englishman, finds himself at a rural Georgia hunting lodge for a few days of peace and quiet. To save Charlie from having to speak to strangers, the locals are told he is a foreigner who can't speak or understand a word of English. Soon those locals begin to share their deepest secrets with him and Charlie must decide what to do with all of this information.
The result is a hilarious look at secrets revealed, which explodes in a wildly funny climax where things go uproariously awry for the "bad guys" including a run-in with the KKK, with the good guys emerging triumphant.