Funny Money is a hilarious comedy by Ray Cooney, directed by Carol M. Rice. What would you do if you accidentally picked up the wrong briefcase and it was full of money? Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase to find out that there's $5 million inside. Soon he and his wife are joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his million dollars.
Funny Money is a hilarious comedy by Ray Cooney, directed by Carol M. Rice. What would you do if you accidentally picked up the wrong briefcase and it was full of money? Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase to find out that there's $5 million inside. Soon he and his wife are joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his million dollars.
Funny Money is a hilarious comedy by Ray Cooney, directed by Carol M. Rice. What would you do if you accidentally picked up the wrong briefcase and it was full of money? Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase to find out that there's $5 million inside. Soon he and his wife are joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his million dollars.