Bruno and Louie is a hilarious comedy about two mimes trying to become famous. As the duo embark on this fantastic romp, they try everything from making a band to becoming professional ping-pong players. But it’s through their efforts that they realize that the quest for fame is just like the world of mime: fleeting and ephemeral. The event will feature local Oak Cliff talent as the opening acts.
Bruno and Louie is a hilarious comedy about two mimes trying to become famous. As the duo embark on this fantastic romp, they try everything from making a band to becoming professional ping-pong players. But it’s through their efforts that they realize that the quest for fame is just like the world of mime: fleeting and ephemeral. The event will feature local Oak Cliff talent as the opening acts.
Bruno and Louie is a hilarious comedy about two mimes trying to become famous. As the duo embark on this fantastic romp, they try everything from making a band to becoming professional ping-pong players. But it’s through their efforts that they realize that the quest for fame is just like the world of mime: fleeting and ephemeral. The event will feature local Oak Cliff talent as the opening acts.