This show-within-a-show begins when a die-hard musical fan imagines performers coming to life in his shabby apartment whenever he plays his favorite cast album, a 1928 hit called The Drowsy Chaperone. Throughout the performance the musical bursts to life as the Man in Chair continuously brings the audience in and out of the fantasy. Audiences are instantly immersed in the glamorous, hilarious tale of a celebrity bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast and the audience soaring into the rafters. Winner of five Tony Awards.
This show-within-a-show begins when a die-hard musical fan imagines performers coming to life in his shabby apartment whenever he plays his favorite cast album, a 1928 hit called The Drowsy Chaperone. Throughout the performance the musical bursts to life as the Man in Chair continuously brings the audience in and out of the fantasy. Audiences are instantly immersed in the glamorous, hilarious tale of a celebrity bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast and the audience soaring into the rafters. Winner of five Tony Awards.
This show-within-a-show begins when a die-hard musical fan imagines performers coming to life in his shabby apartment whenever he plays his favorite cast album, a 1928 hit called The Drowsy Chaperone. Throughout the performance the musical bursts to life as the Man in Chair continuously brings the audience in and out of the fantasy. Audiences are instantly immersed in the glamorous, hilarious tale of a celebrity bride and her uproarious wedding day, complete with thrills and surprises that take both the cast and the audience soaring into the rafters. Winner of five Tony Awards.