What’s My Line Live on Stage is a classic comedy panel game show that takes a panel of four of Dallas' funniest comedians through a series of surprise guests with interesting professions. The panel tries to guess the guests' very unusual and unique jobs using only yes or no questions before running out of chances.
The evening ends with a super surprise guest pulled straight from the audience where audiences could win big if they stump the panel. The event will be an evening of mystery guests, awkward questions, and loads of laughs. The show will be hosted by Danny Gallagher.
What’s My Line Live on Stage is a classic comedy panel game show that takes a panel of four of Dallas' funniest comedians through a series of surprise guests with interesting professions. The panel tries to guess the guests' very unusual and unique jobs using only yes or no questions before running out of chances.
The evening ends with a super surprise guest pulled straight from the audience where audiences could win big if they stump the panel. The event will be an evening of mystery guests, awkward questions, and loads of laughs. The show will be hosted by Danny Gallagher.