Scottish Rite Hospital's Crayon Club was established to unite young professionals (21 years and older) dedicated to improving the lives of children. Together, through volunteerism, education and philanthropy, Crayon Club supports the mission of Scottish Rite Hospital.
The Educational Evening gives Crayon Club members and friends a better glimpse into what makes Scottish Rite Hospital so unique. Get an inside look at what is happening around the hospital. Tours and a happy hour will be available for guests prior to dinner and a special program.
Scottish Rite Hospital's Crayon Club was established to unite young professionals (21 years and older) dedicated to improving the lives of children. Together, through volunteerism, education and philanthropy, Crayon Club supports the mission of Scottish Rite Hospital.
The Educational Evening gives Crayon Club members and friends a better glimpse into what makes Scottish Rite Hospital so unique. Get an inside look at what is happening around the hospital. Tours and a happy hour will be available for guests prior to dinner and a special program.
Scottish Rite Hospital's Crayon Club was established to unite young professionals (21 years and older) dedicated to improving the lives of children. Together, through volunteerism, education and philanthropy, Crayon Club supports the mission of Scottish Rite Hospital.
The Educational Evening gives Crayon Club members and friends a better glimpse into what makes Scottish Rite Hospital so unique. Get an inside look at what is happening around the hospital. Tours and a happy hour will be available for guests prior to dinner and a special program.