Adapted by nationally recognized playwright Octavio Solis and directed by Spanish director Gustavo Tambascio, this performance will celebrate the shared legacy anniversary of William Shakespeare and Spanish writer, Miguel de Cervantes. The performance will be part of an effort to reach North Texas’ Spanish speaking community, with 30 percent of the performance spoken in Spanish.
Set in present day West Texas, this Spanish classic receives a Texas makeover designed to celebrate our rich cultural landscape. Programming will also include a children’s outreach program, a community playmaking workshop, adult education and more through key Spanish-and Latino-based partner organizations in the community.
Adapted by nationally recognized playwright Octavio Solis and directed by Spanish director Gustavo Tambascio, this performance will celebrate the shared legacy anniversary of William Shakespeare and Spanish writer, Miguel de Cervantes. The performance will be part of an effort to reach North Texas’ Spanish speaking community, with 30 percent of the performance spoken in Spanish.
Set in present day West Texas, this Spanish classic receives a Texas makeover designed to celebrate our rich cultural landscape. Programming will also include a children’s outreach program, a community playmaking workshop, adult education and more through key Spanish-and Latino-based partner organizations in the community.
Adapted by nationally recognized playwright Octavio Solis and directed by Spanish director Gustavo Tambascio, this performance will celebrate the shared legacy anniversary of William Shakespeare and Spanish writer, Miguel de Cervantes. The performance will be part of an effort to reach North Texas’ Spanish speaking community, with 30 percent of the performance spoken in Spanish.
Set in present day West Texas, this Spanish classic receives a Texas makeover designed to celebrate our rich cultural landscape. Programming will also include a children’s outreach program, a community playmaking workshop, adult education and more through key Spanish-and Latino-based partner organizations in the community.