A Ripple of Hope is a powerful one-hour documentary that traces the events of April 4, 1968, when major U.S. cities erupted in riots and fires as news spread of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Already en route to Indianapolis for a presidential campaign rally, candidate Robert Kennedy was urged to cancel for his own safety. Instead, he gave an extemporaneous speech that was credited with creating a sense of calm that averted violence in Indianapolis.
A discussion with producer/director Dr. Donald Boggs will follow the screening. Event tickets include access to the temporary photography exhibit, “Rebel Spirits: Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.”
A Ripple of Hope is a powerful one-hour documentary that traces the events of April 4, 1968, when major U.S. cities erupted in riots and fires as news spread of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Already en route to Indianapolis for a presidential campaign rally, candidate Robert Kennedy was urged to cancel for his own safety. Instead, he gave an extemporaneous speech that was credited with creating a sense of calm that averted violence in Indianapolis.
A discussion with producer/director Dr. Donald Boggs will follow the screening. Event tickets include access to the temporary photography exhibit, “Rebel Spirits: Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.”
A Ripple of Hope is a powerful one-hour documentary that traces the events of April 4, 1968, when major U.S. cities erupted in riots and fires as news spread of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Already en route to Indianapolis for a presidential campaign rally, candidate Robert Kennedy was urged to cancel for his own safety. Instead, he gave an extemporaneous speech that was credited with creating a sense of calm that averted violence in Indianapolis.
A discussion with producer/director Dr. Donald Boggs will follow the screening. Event tickets include access to the temporary photography exhibit, “Rebel Spirits: Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.”